
Hello, my name is Yvonne Mikell. Welcome to my blog Intrigue and Suspense. I created it because of my love for suspenseful, intriguing, and thrilling books and movies. Expect to read excerpts from my own novels, books that I review, and also movies that I review.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Meet Khloe and Xavier

I had the pleasure of introducing Khloe and Xavier to the fans of Pen to Paper. Take a look at what both characters had to say to Carol Bond. http://www.theunseenpromise.com/author-interviews-2/yvonne-mikell/.

Free ebooks

Free ebooks will be available on Amazon February 5th, 2014.

An invitation

You are cordially invited to witness the midnight nuptials of Khloe Spencer and Xavier Davidson.

Silence is Broken is available on the Kindle for $0.99.
